Grundens Presents: Chuck Ragan – You Get What You Give
Chuck Ragan, front man and guitarist of the popular American punk rock band, Hot Water Music, is a passionate musician who – besides leading a life on tour – is a family man at soul and enjoys, more than anything, fishing and time spent on the water.
This is the story of Chuck Ragan – man, musician, father, and fisherman who understands that what you get in life is all about what you give in life.
LANDSICK | Fly Fishing Film Tour 2018
For decades, Costa Pro Chuck Ragan seemed to be in constant motion, first touring with the influential punk band, Hot Water Music, and later as a solo artist. But in 2015, Ragan got his guide’s license and downshifted to life in Grass Valley to spend more time with his wife and young son, while putting clients on trout, steelhead, and bass in the Sierra foothills, along with stripers in the California Delta.